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Difference Between Static Member and Instance Member in c#

Difference Between Static Member and Instance Member in c#

In C#, static members and instance members are two different types of members that can be defined within a class. They have distinct characteristics and purposes within object-oriented programming. Here is the difference between static member and instance member:

Difference Between Static Member and Instance Member in c#

Static Members

Static members are associated with the class itself, rather than with individual instances of the class. There’s only one instance of a static member shared across all instances of the class. Static members are defined by using the static keyword. Some common static members include static fields, static methods, and static properties.

  1. Static Fields: These are shared among all instances of the class. They are initialized once and retain their value throughout the program’s execution.
  2. Static Methods: These are methods that operate at the class level and do not depend on the state of individual instances. They can be called using the class name, without creating an instance of the class.
  3. Static Properties: Similar to static fields, these properties are associated with the class rather than individual instances. They can have get and set methods like instance properties.

Static members are accessed using the class name:

class MyClass 
public static int StaticField; 
public static void StaticMethod() 
{ /* ... */ } 
public static int StaticProperty { get; set; } 
int fieldValue = MyClass.StaticField; 
MyClass.StaticProperty = 42;

Instance Members

Instance members are associated with individual instances of the class. Each instance of the class has its own instance members which can have different values for different instances. Instance members are the default type of members in a class and do not require any special keyword.

  1. Instance Fields: These are unique to each instance of the class. They hold data that is specific to a particular instance.
  2. Instance Methods: These methods can access and modify instance fields. They are often used to define behaviors that depend on the specific state of an instance.
  3. Instance Properties: Similar to instance fields, these properties are associated with individual instances. They can have get and set methods to access or modify instance-specific data.

Instance members are accessed using an instance of the class:

class MyClass 
public int InstanceField; 
public void InstanceMethod() 
{ /* ... */ } 
public int InstanceProperty { get; set; } 
MyClass instance1 = new MyClass(); 
int instanceFieldValue = instance1.InstanceField; 
instance1.InstanceProperty = 42;


In summary, the key difference between static members and instance members in C# are:

  • Static members are associated with the class and are shared among all instances, while instance members are specific to individual instances.
  • Static members are defined with the static keyword, while instance members are the default type of members in a class.
  • Static members are accessed using the class name, while instance members are accessed using an instance of the class.
  • Static members are useful for defining functionality or data that should be consistent across all instances of the class. Instance members are used for data and behavior specific to individual instances.

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